First term 2017 AD
Subject: English

Class: 8                                            Full Marks: 75
Time: 2.15 hrs.                                Pass Marks: 30
Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instruction.

Attempt all the questions:   

1. Rewrite the following sentences choosing the correct options.                                              5´1=5
a) Crown Prince Charles of Great Britain is -------heir to the throne. (a, an , the )
b)           He has been learning Korean language -------- 2012. (Since, for, in)
c) The parents encourage their children to do positive things --------they can succeed their life. (for, to , so that )
d)           Students do their homework-----------. (Themselves, yourselves, himself)
e) She hardly talks in Chinese, ----------? (Does she, doesn't she, don't she)
2. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.                                             3´1=3
a) Football is being played by the boys. (Into active voice)
b)           The teacher said to his students, ''Don't neglect your studies.'' (Into indirect speech)
c) Neither Suman nor Ritika will contact you to attend the party. (Into affirmative)
3. Fill in the blanks with correct word from the box below.
          (take            takes        has         have )
a) Measles ______broken out in this area so the schools have been closed.
b)           Did Sumi ________ the exam yesterday?

4. Read the following poem and do the activities that follow.                                                              10
If Pigs could fly
If pigs could fly  I'd fly pig .
To foreign countries small and big
To Italy and Spain.
To Australia where cow bells ring,
To Germany where people sing,
And then come home again.
I'd  see the Ganges   and the  Nile,
I' d visit  Madagascar's isle,
And Persia and Peru.
People would say they'd never seen
So odd, so strange an air machine.
As   that on which I flew  
Why, everyone would raise a shout
To see his trotters and his snout.
Come floating from the sky;
And I would be a famous star
Well known in countries near and far
If only pigs could fly!
                                -  James Reeves
A)          Find the words from the above text that are similar in meaning.                                          4´0.5=2
     i. nose       ii. residence    iii. feet    iv. popluar 
B)          Write 'True'    or   False   against the given statement.                                                 4´0.5=2
i. The poet would be famous if he flew the pig.
ii. Nobody would see the poet if he flew the pig.
iii. Pigs have wings in reality.
iv. The poet has trotters and snout.
C) Answer the following questions.                     4´1.5=6
i.   What two rivers would the poet see?
ii. Where do people sing and where do cow bells ring?
iii.     Which country would poet visit in this poem?
iv.     Find out any three pair of rhyming word in the poem.

5. Read the following passage and do the activities that follow.                                                          10
On the way, the guru and his disciple had to cross the river. After bathing in the river Deva wanted to rest for a while. He took the money bag and pushed it into a quilt, he was carrying. Then he told the disciple, ''I have to respond to nature's call. I'm leaving this quilt of Shiva here. Keep on eye on it. ''The moment the guru went out of his sight, Ashamvav collected the bag and fled away from the place.
     With great trust on his disciple, Deva decided to join a crowd watching two well-fed goats fight ferociously. As blood was running down their head, a jackal came there to feast on the blood the goats were shedding. Deva saw the jackal entering the scene and thought the jackal would surely die caught between the two warring goats. His surmise came true, and the jackal died, gored by two goats
     After the death of the jackal, Deva returned to where he had left the money bag with Ashamvav. He found Ashamvav missing. The holy quilt was there but not the money bag. He began wailing; ''Oh, trickster, what have  you done ? I have lost everything in the world.'' After a vain search for the trickster the foolish saint returned unhappy.
A)          From the passage above, find the word to the following meaning:                             (4´0.5=2)
i. student/follower
ii. to the cause an injury with the horns
iii. ran away
iv. person devoted to god
B. Rewrite the following sentences in correct order.
i. Ashamvav was left there to keep an eye on quilt.
ii. Deva was depressed and returned home
iii. Deva and Ashamvav were together in a journey.
iv. The jackal died, gored by the two goats.
C) Answer the following questions. [4´1.5=6]
i.   What did Ashamvav do after the guru went out of his sight?
ii. Where did the guru keep his money?
iii.     Why did the jackal come there?
iv. How did the jackal die?

6. Read the text carefully and do the activities that follow:
     Ramchand and Premchand were neighbours. Ramchand was a poor farmer. Premchand was a land lord. Ramchand used to be very relaxed and happy. He never bothered to close the doors and windows of his house at night. He had deep sound sleep. Although had no money he was peaceful.
     Premchand used to be very tense always. He was very keen to close the doors and windows of his house at night. He could not sleep well. He was always bothered that someone might break upon his safe and steals his money.
     One day Premchand called Ramchand and gave him a boxful of cash saying, ''Look my dear friend I'm blessed with plenty of wealth. I find you in poverty. So, take this cash and live in prosperity.''
Ramchand was over whelming happy. He was joyful through out the day Night came; Ramchand went to bed as usual. But, today he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep well. He began to keep on looking at the box of cash. The whole night, he was disturbed.
     As soon as the day broke, Ramchand took the box of cash to Premchand. He gave the box to Premchand saying, ''Dear friend, I am poor. But your money took away peace from me. Please bear with me and take back your money.''
A.          Match the following column A with column B.
               A                          B
i. Premchand       a. source of burden.
ii Ramchand       b. can also be found in poverty
iii. Wealth           c. blessed with money.
iv. Happiness      d. relaxed and happy.
B) State True or False against the sentences. 4´0.5=2
a) Premchand was landlord so he was relaxed.
b)      Ramchand slept soundly at the day when he got a boxful of wealth.
c) Wealth and richness keep us unhappy.
d)      Next morning, Ramchand returned back the boxful of money.

C) Answer the following questions.           4´1.5= 6
i.   Who used to be very relaxed and happy?
ii. Why was Premchand bothered?
iii.     What did Premchand do when he could not sleep well?
iv. Why did Ramchand give money back to Premchand?
7. Read the following passage and do the activities that follow.                                                          10
     Marie Curies probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived ,born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in  1867, she is famous for her work on radio activity, and was a twice a winner of the Nobel prize with her husband, Pierre Curie  and Henri Becquerel. She was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for physics and was the sole winner of 1911 Noble prize for chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory and at the age of 16 won gold medal on the completion of her secondary education. Her father lost his saving through bad investment; she then had to work as a teacher. From her earning, she was able to finance her sister. Bronia's medical studies in Paris on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to get an education.
A. Find the opposite words from the text.         4´0.5=2
a. Unknown                           b. Expenditure
c. Gained                      d. Very small
B.          Rearrange the following sentences into correct order.                                                  4´0.5=2
a. She became a single winner of noble prize for chemistry in 1911.
b. She won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education.
c. She supported for her sister's education.
d. Her father lost his saving through bad investment.
C. Answer the following questions.           4´1.5=6
a. When and where was Marie curie born?
b. What was Marie curie's achievement in school education?
c. How many times did she win the Nobel Prize?
d. Why did she start teaching profession?
8. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate sentences given in the box below.                                5
Parent: Good morning sir,I 've come here to take Bina 's result.
Teacher:         Good morning, ---------- . This is your daughter's progress report.
Parent: How has she done!
Teacher:         She is doing well,but.............
Parent: Yes, she often talks about math at home too, she feels it more difficult.
Teacher:         She should do enough practice in math.
Parent: Exactly, sir-----------
Teacher:         And I'll also tell the math teacher----------
Parent: Thank you sir------------
i. I'll make her do so
ii. Her math is not so good
iii. Please have a seat here
iv. I'll come to see you next time.
v. To pay special attention to your daughter.
9. Prepare a well -designed short leaflet with the help of given clues.                                                                   5      
A  Visitor's Guide to my village.
Getting here
Places to visit
Time to visit
10. Write a letter to your brother or sister telling him or her about the bad effect of junk food.                15
Write an essay on the topic ''My Country My Pride ''including the following points.                             15
 Introduction -------- culture diversity -------- racial harmony -------- religious tolerance -------- historical heritage -------- birth place of Lord Buddha -------- Mount Everest.