"The Question Answer of 'The Hidden Life of Garbage'"

--Heather Rogers


    1.      According to Rogers, why are the landfills "tucked away, on the edge of town, in otherwise untraveled terrain"?

Ans: According to Rogers, such sites are tucked away for the obvious reason that they are unpleasant. Yet, more important for her argument, there are also hidden so we never have to experience the scale and stench of our waste; if we did, we would question the fundamental logic of "Our society's unrestrained consuming".

     2.      What is the landfill's "working face"? How does it compare with other parts of the landfills?

Ans: the working face is where the actual dumping takes place in this area, clusters of trucks, earthmovers, steamrollers and other machines receive and compact the garbage into the landfill. Other parts of these complexes include underground liners and "capped" cells, where garbage is sealed underground with dirt, plastic and synthetic mesh.