In some parts of the world there are great tracts of country called deserts. In these deserts there are no houses, on pleasant streams, and no trees. Nothing can be seen around but sand , and stones and rocks, as far as the eye can reach.
          In crossing these dreary deserts, the traveler must take with him everything  that he needs on the way. He must carry enough of food and water to last himself and those who are with him for many days. No horse could carry heavy locals across these great deserts; but good has given to man another animal fitted for the work. This animal is the camel.
          When sailors cross the see in a ship, the ship must carry everything they need. And as the camel has to do the same for its master in the desert, it has been called "the ship of the deserts."
1.     What is a desert?
2.     What do you find in a desert?
3.     What does a traveler in a desert have to carry?
4.     Which animal is used to carry loads in a desert?
Why is it called"the ship of the desert"?