We must not let the seeds of illness reach the food which we eat and the water which we drink. But we cannot always be sure that no seeds of illness have reached our food and our water. Cooking kills the seeds of illness in food; boiling kills the seeds of illness in water. But the food must be freshly cooked, and must be covered up; and we must not keep the food too long before if is eaten. Water must be kept covered offer it has been boiled, and we must not keep it too long before we use it. For, if food or water is kept  too long, the seeds of illness will be sue to reach it. Let water be freshly boiled each day, and let all food be freshly cooked.

1.     What precautions have we to take about our food and water?
2.     How are the seeds of illness killed?
3.     How should our food and water be kept?
4.     What will happen if food and water are kept too long?
5.     What kind of food and water should we use?