One night the holy man, Abou Ben Adhem . Woke suddenly from a pleasant dream, and saw a shining angle writing in a book. He did not fell at all frightened: but, self-possessed, he said to the angle, "what are you writing?" The angle looked up and said kindly, "I am writing down the names of those who love god." Abou asked if his name was among them; but the angle replied that it was not. "Write me down, then," said Abou  "as one who loves his fellow-men." The angle wrote in his book, and then vanished.
          The next night the angle came again with a great light that woke. Abou  Ben Adhem up. He showed abou the names of those who had been blessed with the love of god; and the name of Abou Ben Adhem  was at the top of the list.  

Answer the following question :-
1.     What was the angle writing?
2.     Was Abou's  name in the list?
3.     What did Abou request the angle to write?
4.     When did the angle come again?
5.      Where did Abou find his name in the list?