The first great discovery that man probably made was that of fire. We light a fire now by a match. But of course matches are quite recent things. In olden times fires were made by rubbing two flints against each other till a spark came, and this spark set fire to a piece of dry straw or some other dry thing. Fires something occur by themselves in the forests perhaps by the rubbing together of flints or something else. The animals were not clever enough to learn anything from this. But man was cleverer. He saw the use of fire it kept him warm in the winter and frightened his enemies, the big animals. So whenever a fire started the men and woman must have tried to keep ti up by throwing dry leaves into it. They did not want it to go out.  

  1. What was the first great discovery of man?
  2. How were fires made in olden times?
  3. How is fire made today?
  4. Where did man first see fire?
  5. Why didn't he want it to go out?