All the people in the world want to live better life. Everyone wants to live happy and comfortable life. Because of the help of the science and technology people are more success to live a happy life. In the context of our country mostly rich people are only able to live better life.

To live better life basic needs must be fulfilled. The quality of life must be there. Food, shelter and clothes are the most important basic need for a human being. To live happy life education also plays important role. It helps people to be aware. So, children must be sent to school. So, they can live a happy life in future. Nepal is a poor country in which most of the people are not living a happy life. We can’t do anything what we want in our country. Due to lack of employment people are not able to fulfill their requirement. 

In Nepal development work have been done only in cities or town but not in villages. So, people living in villages are not happy. Their life is miserable. If anyone in the village are ill than they should be moved to the cities. And on the way they lose their life. This 21st century is the modern age with the change of time, the needs and wants of people are nowadays trying or wanting to lead a better life. The life of people is much easier in western countries.

Social evils and social problems still exist there which have affected the development of our country as well. The living standard and quality of life is same as it was previous. For proper development youth must work hard in a country. It helps a country to develop faster. Peoples of Himalayan region are mostly unknown about the science and technology.

So, in my opinion less people in our country are living better life. Human beings are never satisfied with what they have. So, due to this also people are not living a better and quality life.