After the birth every people should have to die once whether he/she wants or not. In these modern days, every people want live better life. No-body wants pain, suffering and sorrow in their life. All want happiness from their life. Every-one wants to live a comfortable and full of facilities life. People want a prosperous and respectful life. People don’t want struggle whole their life. People have so many desires to fulfill. To fulfill all their desires they have to work hard. Every people have their family to run. People have many desires or basic needs to fulfill.

People life becomes better their desires are fulfilled. Life only becomes better if people can live his life comfortably and can enjoy all the facilities that are available. Better life means the life which brings lots of happiness but for which we have to do hard word and struggle. All the people want to give their own identity and want to show their talent. On this 21st century, people are modernized. Poor people are coping standard people and follow foreign culture. This is the period of competition among people. None of the people kike worst life. They want to live better and successful life.
People are living better life in rich countries like Japan, America, UK, etc as the country is rich and able to provide job opportunities. As they get opportunity can enjoy the life. In this time there are different means and modes. All the people want to use new means and resources. They want to have and use new ideas to live. Ideas are generating through different means of communication. In the context of Nepal people do not have job opportunities or occupation how they can live better life. All most all people are getting facilities now a day. People are utilizing different means and resources for the need of people or according to the need of people.

No, people are not able to live a better life. In context off Nepal, the poverty problems have been spreads all over the country. Today’s also many Nepalese people doing struggle and hard work for meal of one day. Struggling and working hard also haven’t given a better life to the people. Mighty educated people, almost have to sit in their house due to unemployment problems. In Nepal, to live a better life people have to face many obstacles. Many people are very poor. Even some people don’t know how to live a better life. Many people are money-minded. Different people have different aims. People want to have better life. In this 21st century, different means are there. All the people want to have new means. They want to have new means. Ideas are generating through different means of communication. People want to live better life. In the context of Nepal, people don’t have a job or occupation how they can live better life people are poor. Only few people are rich. They get all the facilities whereas poor people do not get. People are utilizing different means and resources for the need of people or according to the need of people. Our country is suffering from political sickness. So that people of our country are not getting better life.

People are better life in rich country like Japan, America, UK, Canada, etc. as the country is rich and able to provide job opportunities. As they get job opportunities they can enjoy the life. They can have different means and resources. They can provide communication, health, food in sufficient to their children. People can have visit of different country. People can enjoy the living life. People can provide first aids to different countries and for different people. According to the census also it is proved that poor people are becoming rich. So that of the people of developed countries having better life wants better life of other countries poor people.

So, that American, Japanese people are establishing schools, hospitals in rural areas. In the context of Nepal, people are not able to live better life because of tradition and lack of education. People are not having better live because of lack of job opportunities as well as not having proper health facilities. As our country is land locked country and mountainous country, people of mountain and hilly region are not getting proper facilities of education, health, electricity, transportation, communication, and job opportunities. Then how people can have better and happy life?

People don’t have enough facilities. So, that they don’t have better life. But the urban areas people and city areas people are living better life because of the job opportunities. Proper industrialization and different means are in urban areas. People are living happily with different facilities in urban areas. People having better life also have different problems. Children are in bad way/path because of different facilities. Children are smoking, drinking alcohol and drug addict. Children of urban areas are being bad or addict than the rural areas. People having better life are facing such problems so that educated people are choosing the simple life style with better facilities.

People want to live better life because people want to be happy. To be happy all desires of people should be fulfilled. Nobody wants pains, suffering and sorrows from their life. People do hard works to fulfill their desires. They work for days in order to get prosperous and luxurious life. Some people are rich but also they don’t have better life due to the over confident. Everyone wants to live a comfortable and full of facilities life. People have so many desires to fulfill. In these modern days, every people want to live better life. All want to live better life. All want happiness from their life.

All the people want to give their own identity and want to show their talent. People are copying standard people and follow foreign culture. This is the period of competition among people. None of the people like worst life. They want to live better and successful life. We people have our family to run. We want to live a happy and comfortable life. All the people want to be in top level. People are living better life in rich countries like in Japan, America, UK, etc as the country is rich and able to provide job opportunities. As they get opportunity they can enjoy their life.

In this time there are different means and modes. All the people want to use new means and resources. They want to have and use new ideas to live. Ideas are generating through the different means of communication. People want to live a better life. In context of Nepal people do not have job or occupation then how they can live better life. Almost all people are utilizing different means and resources for the need of people or according to the need of people.

In the context of Nepal, people are not able to live better life because of different difficulties. Many people are educated but they are not getting job opportunities. So how can they live a better life? Here are no facilities of electricity and drinking water. So how can they live luxurious life? People are out of electricity now a day. So, they are compelled to read or complete their works in the darkness. For water people should stay in a long line. People come in urban areas for the better facilities but in our context it is being opposite.

This 21st century is the modern age. With the change of time, the needs of people have increased and changed as well. People are nowadays trying or wanting to lead a better quality life. For this, by the help of science, people are developing many kinds of technology. People nowadays want to fulfill each basic and fundamental need. People of undeveloped and developing countries aren’t satisfied with their own status and desiring more and more.

In the context of Nepal, western culture has influenced the people of our country. Because of technology like television, computer, telephones etc. we are well known about development and achievements of many countries. The life of people is much easier in western countries. Technology has also developed in Nepal for living quality or better life but they aren’t enough in comparison to the developed countries. So, by looking this also people of our country desire to live better life. It is very advantageous for us. From this, education can be provided easily to all. Development also work also can be contributed.  For example, if all people are living better life in Nepal, they can be informed about all development works or activities of Nepal and they can also give contribution from their own side for more progress of Nepal.

In our country, many people mostly in mountain region aren’t able to live better life. They are not well informed about the technologies like email, internet, fax, etc. They are still living in the 18th century. They haven’t been able to know about each and every activity of our country and world. They haven’t been able to change along with time. Social evils and social problems still exist there which have affected the development of our country as well. Their living standard and quality of life is same as it was previous. They are not living comfortable but some of these peoples in urban areas and the Terai regions are able to live better life than other. They are well informed about development and other activities of the Nepal as well many other places of the world. If they assist government of Nepal to make peoples of rural areas to lead a better life, it can affect positively in the development of our country and Nepal can be known as the developed country of the world. But everything has negative aspect also. Because of better life, people may become lazy also. If we are not aware about proper use of these technologies, risk of many bad things may arise there. We may die or become handicapped also. For example: because of unaware about electrical things current may die or become handicapped. When people live better life, they don’t do much work. Just sit and earn money because of this, they become unhealthy. Youths, who must be active, for the development of our country, they become lazy. It really affects the development of the country. Work which can be done by old people in rural areas can’t be done by youth in urban areas because of this.

On my view, each and every people of each and every country must live a better life as it haves more advantages than disadvantages. That’s why, for this contribution from every side must be given. INGO, NGO, Donor Organizations, rich people, etc can help in this campaign and can make Nepal developed country in the world. Not only Nepal. They can help every country of the world needing these kinds of help from them for better life of people.

Every people want better life and happy living. No-body wants pains, suffering and sorrow in a life. People of rural areas are also getting prosperous day by day. Some people are rich but also they don’t have better life due to the lack of education and confident.

At last, if all of the people will be happy then surely whole country will be developed. Those people who work hard and give full interest to work one day surely they will have a better and happy life. But those who don’t do respect to his work they never get success on their life and ever be happy in his life.