Class:-  Six                           Time:- ….. Hrs              F.M. 25
 Sub:-  Computer                                                            P.M.10
1. Answer the following questions. 15
  1. What do you mean by computer memory?
  2. What is meant by the computer?
  3. Define output device list types of out put device.
  4. What are the features of fourth generation computer?
  5. Degine hardware and software?
2. State whether the following are True or false. 5
  1. Mini computer is also known as personal computer.
  2. Low-level language are easy to use.
  3. Third generation computer were developed between 1965 to 1985.
  4. Laser printer is a type of page printer.
  5. First generation computer used transistor as a memory device.
3. Fill in the blanks. 5
  1. ENIAC belongs to the ………. Generation of computer.
  2. …….is the capacity of computer to store data and information.
  3. ……are the main elements of fifth generation computer.
  4. Micro computers were introduced in …………..
  5. …… a pen-like-pointing device.
4. Match the following. 5
First Generation                            Transistors
Second Generation                       Micro processor
Third Generation                           Bio chips
Fourth Generation                         integrated circuits
Fifth Generation                           vaccum tubes.
5. Write the full form of.
a. ABC                  b. VLST          c. CD-ROM
d. PC                     e. IC                f.CAD
g. ENIAC             h. CPU                        i. AI
j. RPG
6. Write short notes on. 10
a. Monitor
b. Computer generation
c. Software

The End