Class:-  Three (III)             Time:- …1.15.. Hrs              F.M. 50
 Sub:-  English I                                                  P.M.20
1. Read the passage carefully and do the activities. 10
On his way home, Jack passed the mansion of a rich man, whose beautiful daughter had never laught. The rich man had promised that anyone who could make her laugh could marry her.
The rich ma's daughter was looking glumly out of the window when Jack troudged by with the donkey on his shoulders. The rich man's daughter couldn't help herself. She hooted with laughter, till people round about come running to see what was the matter. She and Jack were married and they lived happily in the mansion with her father and Jack's mother, and Jack never had to go to work again.
A. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements. 5
  1. Jack did not married.
  2. Jack hasn't father and mother.
  3. He never had to go to work again.
  4. She hooted with laughter.
  5. She can help herself.
B. Answer the following questions. 5
  1. She was looking glumly out of window. When?
  2. Who are married in the story?
  3. Where was he carried the donkey?
  4. Did he go to work again?
  5. Give the suitable title of this passage.
2. Fill in the balnks with 'have' or 'has'. 5
  1. They ……….. a lote of lamps.
  2. Nisha ……….a little lamp.
  3. Do you ........... many lamps in your house.
  4. I ………. a lamp in my house.
  5. The rich man ……. many  lamps.
3. Rearrange the words and make sentences. 5
  1. I/ to run/ when/ started
  2. Where/ they/ poor/ very
  3. His hook/ pages of/ read to/ the boy.
  4. No/ money/ have/ I
  5. Was not/ it/ a very/ big/ hole.
4. Match the following words with their meanigs. 5
Thud                      to separte or break into pieces
A head of             living beings such as animals, birds, fish
Terrible                  to hit or fall with low dull sound
Creatures               in front of
Fall a part              fear full
5. Choose the best answer and fill in the blanks.
[Gives us shelter, studies carefully, grow grains, give us light, knows howrodo, thihngs well]

  1. A farmer ……………
  2. A lamp ………….
  3. A house ………
  4. A good student ……
  5. A claver person ……

6. Write a paragraph about your 'Best Teacher. 5
7. Rearrange the following sentences like foolish rabbit. 5
  1. I dreamed the world was breaking up.
  2. I woke up in horror.
  3. I thought the world was really falling to pieces.
  4. One fine ofternoon, I lay sleep in the jungle.
  5. Then I heard a noise.
  6. Haven't you heard?" I said, the world is falling ro pieces.
  7. I ran as fast as I could to save my life.
  8. He ran beside many other animals joined us.
  9. But the lion did not belive my story.
  10. Why are you running so fast? One of my friends ask me.
8. Answer the following questions. 10
  1. Where didthe rabbit lie asleep?
  2. What did the lion hear?
  3. With whom did Jack lived?
  4. What happened to Jack's penny?
  5. Where did the boy go to the ask for lamp.
  6. What type of boy was he?
  7. Why is mark awaful?
  8. How old is Mark how?
  9. What did the lion ask the rabbit to do?
  10. Why did school boy make a hole in the wall?
The End