Cass: 6                                                                                     F.M:60
Sub: English                                                                         P.M:19.2
1. Fill in the spaces with correct word given in the brackets. 6×1
  1. Would you like …….apple? (a/ an/ the)
  2. Ram writes ………a new pen. (in, by, with)
  3. Could you close …. door. Please? a/ an/ the)
  4. Walking ………..the road, we reached the park. (through/ along/ among)
  5. The books are lying ……. The table. (at/ one/ in)
  6. I cut my finger yesterday. (myself/ himself/ yourself)
2. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets. 6×1
  1. I eat biscuits. (into negative)
  2. He is running outside. (into who question)
  3. She works very hard. (into yes/no question)
  4. The farmers do not keep cows. Into present perfect)
  5. Ram does his homework. (into present perfect tense)
  6. Ram kicks the football. (into passive)
3. Answer the following questions.
  1. Which bird can't fly?
  2. Which animals can smell with its tongue?
  3. Who was the first lady pilot?
  4. Why did the first Brahmin guess the thing in the lanlord's hand must be something to eat?
  5. Why shouldn't they eat the things left out in the open?
  6. What does Temba want to be in the Future?
4. Read the following passage carefully and do the activities that follow.
Football is the most popular game in the world. The most important football competition is the world cup. The world cup is held every four years. In 2002 it was held in Asia for the first time. It was held in the two Asian countries south kerea and Japan.
In 1994 football was a part of the Olympic Games. But because football was so popular, a new competition had to be held. The very first world cup was held in Urughay in 1930. There were just thirteen teams and sixteen matches. An average of 24,000fans watched each match. The world cup was held in the USA in 1994. About 1.5 billion people around the world watered the final match on television.
Winningthe world cup is the highest achievement in football. But in the history of the world cup, a few teams have won more often than others. The first world cup was won by Urughay and they won again in 1950 Argentina won twice. In 1978 and 1986 west Germany won in 1954, 1974 and 1990. Italy won in 1934 1938, 1982 and 2006. Spain won it in 010. But the greatest world cup them is Brazil. Brazil has won five times. They won it in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002.
A. Read the above passage and answer the following questions. 4×2
  1. How often is the world cup held?
  2. When was it held in Asia?
  3. How many teams took part in the first world cup?
  4. Why is Brazil said to be the greatest world cup team?
5. Re-arange the following words to show surprise?
            a. what/ lovely/ a/ bbay/ !/
            b. painting colou/ a/ what/ !/
6. Punctuate the following text. 0.5×4=2
            where is your house ram and gita
7. My Suyog and Ms Aleena invited you to their house. You enjoyrd playing with their brother. You liked meeting their family. In your answer copy write Aleena and Suyog thank you note. 8
8. Write a passage on any one of the following topic. 8
            a. your school              b. your village
9. Fill in the spaces with the following possessive adjectives. 6×1
[my, his, its, our, her, your]
Hi, everybody
Name is Jivan this is friend Jhalak. He is 13 ………sister is nine .. pet is a dog name is Pangre. Jhalak and I go to the same school. There are 250 bos and girls in …….school. our English techer is Mrs Thapa. She has got a pet, too. ……….pet is a cat, our maths teacher is Ms Rana. I like ………..lessons. she has two dogs. The dogs love to play in ……….. garden. Now I have a question for you what's …………Pet?

The End