Cass: 5                                                                                     F.M:60
Sub: English                         Time: 2 hours                        P.M:24
1. Read the following passage and give answer:
James Watt was born in 1736 and died at the age of 83 in 1819. He was a Scottish engineer. In the beginning he made mathematical instruments. Later in his life he invented a successful steam engine. We can travel faster nowadays because he made the first working engine.
A. Working true or false: [1×5=5]
  1. James Watt was born in 1836.
  2. He died at the age of 83.
  3. He was a pilot.
  4. He made steam enginge.  
  5. He is from Scotland.
B. Find the similar word from the passage of the given words. 1×4
      a. starting        b. discover       c. expire           d. after
C. Answer the following questions: (2×4=8)
  1. When was James watt born?
  2. What was his age at the time of death
  3. What did he made in the beginning?
  4. Who made the first working engine?
2. Fill in 'a' or 'an': [5×1=5]
  1. I want …………umbrella.
  2. She wants ………party dress.
  3. do you want ……….orange?
  4. She is ………nursing.
  5. She wants …………uniform.
3. Change these verbs into past form: 5×1=5
eg: dig = dug
write, go, sleep, leave, drink

4. Write the plural of these words: [5×1=5]
book, city, calf, library, apple
5. Write the single words of these from the poem you read: [4×1]
  1. A musical instrument …………………..
  2. Stiff paper for making boxes ……….
  3. A boundary line …………..
  4. A small box fitted to a table …………
6. Answer the following questions: [2×5]
  1. How many big fish were there in a lake?
  2. How did the clever fish saved itself?
  3. Which fish did the fisherman kill?
  4. Who was a Scottish engineer?
  5. how can we travel faster nowadays? 
7.  Match the words with their meanings: [5×1]
A                           B
canal                      not a like
pretended              intelligent
leaping                   acted as if
wise                       water way
unlike                    Jumping
8. Write your saturday is plan. [4]
9. Write a sick leave letter to your class teacher. [5]

The End