Class:-  VI                            Time:- 1.30 Hrs                   F.M. 50
 Sub:-  Science                                                                  P.M. 20
Group A (Physics)
1. Answer the following. 2×4=8
  1. Define temperature what instrument is used to measure it?
  2. Can we estimate the length of a room? Correctly? Why?
  3. Define force write its SI unit/
  4. What is rotatory motion? Give example.
2. Fill in the blanks. 0.5×4=2
  1. The CGS unit of force is ……………
  2. The shortest distance between two points is called ………….
  3. The period between two events is called ………….
  4. In ……………. Motion, objects move in winding path.
3. Convert. 2×2=4

  1. One day into seconds.
  2. One km into meters.

4. Give reason. 2x2=4
  1. A metre is a fundamental unit.
  2. The earth measures time more occurately than our watches do.
5. Match the following. 0.5x4=2
  1. a car moving in straight path               metre
  2. the motion of swing                            boiling point
  3. SI unit of lenghth                                linear motion
  4. Temperature of boiling water              oscillatory motion
6. Draw a neat diagram of a thermometer. 2
Group ‘B’ (Chemistry)
1. Answer the following. 2x2=4
  1. Can mater be changed from one form to another? Explain with example.
  2. Define element. Give two example.
2. Match. 0.5x3=1.5
Wood                                            brittle
Copper sulphate                            combustible
Glass                                             a compound.
3. Fill in the blanks. 0.5x3=1.5
  1. Sun is a …….. matter.
  2. ….take the shape and size of a container in which they are kept.
  3. Substance that dissolve in water are called ………. Matters.
4. State whether true or false. 0.5x3=1.5
  1. Alcohol dissolves in water.
  2. Bulb is a non-luminous matter.
  3. Oxygen gas is a compound.
5. Classify the following into elements or compound. 0.5x7=3.5
            Oxygen, iron, sodium chloride, gold, water, nitrogen, soap
Group ‘C’ (Biology)
1.  Answer the following question. 2x3=6
  1. Name any three branches of science? Which branch of biology deals with the study of animals?
  2. How is the respiration of animals similar to that of plants?
  3. Name the different phyla of invertebrates.
2. Fill in the blanks. 0.5x4=2
  1. Plants and animals both produce their ………to continue their existence.
  2. Organism that live on land are called …………….
  3. Whales live in water and breathe through …………
  4. Fish take in air through ………. for respiration.
3. State whether true or false. 0.5x4=2
  1. Growth of plant is indefinite.
  2. The stem of quatic plant is soft & weak
  3. Living beings show irreversible and permanent growth.
  4. All eqatic animals die when they are removed from water.
4. Match the following. 0.5x6=3
Annelids                                        monkey
Biennial plant                                lotus
Terrestrial animal                           aquatic animal
Arboread animal                           invertebrates.
Whale                                            cow
Aquatic                                         turnip
5. Draw a neat labeled diagram of. 1.5x2=3

  1. Fern plant
  2. Amoeba.

The End