Class:-  4                                 Time:-  2 Hrs                                     F.M. 50
 Sub:-  Social                                                                           P.M. 20
Students are supposed to write their own language priority will be given to creative, neat and clean hand writing will be marked.
1. Answer the following questions.
   a.       Who is neirhgbour?
   b.      What is neighbourbood?
   c.       Name the four things a teacher uses?
   d.      What is a community?
   e.       Why are needles thread and scissors important for a tailor?
   f.       Who are eleders?
   g.      Why should we preserve historical and cultural sites of or birth place?
   h.      What  are the major festivals of Brahmins?
   i.        Where do Newar mainly live?
   j.        What makes a good community?
2. Fill in the blanks by the help of these words.
      Harmony, example, suparstation, garland, hilly.
   a.       Neighbourhood is an ………….of community.
   b.      Neighbours help each other and live in ……..
   c.       Some older people believe in …………..
   d.      Nepal is …………of hundred flowers.
   e.       Rai and Limbu live in …………..district.

3. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false.
a.       Unity in diversity is a feature of Nepal.
b.      Elders are our seniors.
c.       A good relation is the key of happiness.
d.      Different people live in neighbouhood.
e.       We do not need to great our elders.
4. Match the following.
            Column 'A'                              Column 'B'
Dashain and Tihar                         lives in town
Newars                                          Brahmin/Chhetri
Advice                                          big meal
Farmer                                           suggestion
Feast                                              grow vegetables.
5. Write the name of your five neighbours and their occupation.
6. Write a paragraph about your school.
7. Write about your festival, language and religion.
I am ………….. my religion is ……….I celebrate …………festival. I speak ………language at home. And I speak ……..language at home.

The end