Later came animals which are more like the animals we see today? These are called mammals because they suckle their young. These also were at first much bigger then they are today. The mammal which must resemble man is the monkey or rather ape. People think therefore that man is descended rom the ape. This means that as each animal gradually adapted himself to his surrounding and became better and better, so also man at first was only a better ape. Of course he went on, or nature went on, improving him, and now man thinks no end of himself. He imagines so utterly different from the animals. But it is good to remember that we are cousin of the ape and monkey, and even now many of us I am afraid behave like the monkeys do.

1.     What are mammals?
2.     Why do people think that man is descended from the ape?
3.     What was man at first?
4.     How did he change?
5.     Is man today quite different from the ape?