Today’s children are tomorrow leaders whereas youth are the present leader" This statement clearly justifies the role of the youth. Actually, youth are the youth, skilled, highly motivated and capable resources of the country. They have the power or capabilities to change the fate of the country. The old person can neither work properly and skillfully nor can the children. Therefore, the only and only specialized Personality who can do something for the welfare of the country is youths.

Youths are the foundation of development. They act as the strength or power of the country. Since, the youth are strong, determined, and independent; they can change the fate of the country. They are actually the backbone of the country that have the capabilities to handles the responsibilities and obligation of the county. Youths are the determinants of the country who determine the well-being and prosperity of the country and work whole heartedly.

Youth are the only resources who possess specialized knowledge, skills and strengths. They can both use their mental as well as physical skills in performing development work. Youth can hold the country's base and therefore, act as a pillar of the country. They have the capacity to directly as well as indirectly make involvement in the development and progress of the country.

All the youths of the country are the capable source of the country. But, all the youths can neither work nor perform strongly as well as independently until or unless they receive good education and opportunities. Youths can perform well and do a great job if they are highly prioritized and if the country highly realizes the need, importance as well as requirement of the country to bring the reforms in each and every sector of the country.

That's way, youths are the most important resource of the country that are regarded as the strong pillars of the country and ultimately act as the foundation of the country. In order to increase the skills, knowledge and capabilities of the youths, they should be highly motivated, trained as well as provided with suitable opportunities.