2075 (2018)

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                     Full Marks: 100
Group ‘A’
(Long answer questions)

Attempt any three questions                                          3×10= 30

   1.     Describes various kinds of constitution.
   2.     Explain the functions of organs of state.
   3.     Shed light on development of constitution of Nepal.
   4.     What do you mean by constitutional bodies? State the constitutional bodies as     provided by the constitution of Nepal.

Group ‘B’
(Short answer questions)

                Attempt any eight questions                                               8×5= 40

   5.     What are the functions, powers, and duties of the attorney general of Nepal?
   6.     Explain briefly about the security agencies of Nepal under the constitution of Nepal.
   7.     Explain about the power list of local government.
   8.     Explain about the local self-governance.
   9.     State the structure and composition of provincial government.
   10. State the composition of federal legislature of Nepal.
   11. What are the functions of federal council of ministers of Nepal?
   12. Describe the doctrine of separation of power
   13. Describe the constitutional provisions regarding the right to equality.
   14. Explain the importance of referendum in constitution making process.

(Group ‘C’)
(Very short answer questions)

   15. Write short notes on any fifteen.                              15×2= 30

   a)     Fundamental law
   b)    Freedom of religion
   c)     Executive
   d)    Vice president
   e)     Upper house
   f)      Direct election
   g)     Ratification of treaty
   h)    Tribunal
   i)       Power list
   j)       Armed police force
   k)    Election commission
   l)       Annual budget
   m)  Proportional election
   n)    District court
   o)    Unitary government
   p)    The government of Nepal Act
   q)    Federal structure of state