Clarity: the report should exhibit clarity of both thoughts and expression. Ideas should be logically arranged. There should be no ambiguity in the information that has been given. If it is written by hand, handwriting should be good. With typed work, better clarity is assured. Therefore, most people prefer preparing it electronically on MS Word, Page Maker, etc.

Completeness: report should contain all the necessary information. Incomplete information does more harm than good. Facts, figures, tables, graphs, etc. that are likely to help people gain better understanding, should be included.
Conciseness: beauty lies in being crisp and short. Completeness does not necessarily mean a detailed account of things. One should give only those details, which are crucial to understanding. At times, excessive detailing cramps up the audience, resulting in total confession.

Objectivity: report should be prepared in an absolutely impartial manner. In the professional world, there is no scope for favoritism or victimization. The researcher should investigate with full honesty and integrity. There should be no manipulation, whatsoever. Emotions should not be allowed to interfere with the analysis and interpretation of the data.

Accuracy: all the facts, figures, findings, tools etc. should be correct. One should understand that important decision could be affected on the basis of findings that have been reported. Inaccurate information could result in serious losses. It is better not to give any information, than giving incorrect details.

Appearances: the arrangements of elements, overall format, special effects, style, etc. should give it a professional look. No matter how good the research has been, unless the appearance of the report is good, it can fail to elicit the desired response. This is even more crucial with persuasive reports, where the efforts are to influence and persuade the audience.