Once, a very beautiful girl made a visit to G.B Shaw. He was a very intelligent and a noble man. Knowing this the girl made a marriage proposal to G,B Sham instead of his ugliness. He asked the reason for such proposal. She replied that their offspring would rule the world with such a beauty like of her and the intelligence like Mr. G.B Sham. However, he objected what if their offspring got face like his and knowledge like hers. This conversation regarding creating “The Perfect Baby” makes to think what if people like that Brazilian girl got to choose how her baby is going to be.

The seven billion people across the earth don’t have the same choice, same intelligence, same ethics and the same intentions. Equal freedom to every one may result a different scenarios as per this especially. In the case if the parents, which of the parents may want their baby be bored malformed, differently able, too-short or too tall, less intelligent, un-laborious, if they are give choice?  We know the love of mother and father towards their children biologically born. Till they grow old for their parents they are their child whom they waited to have in their arm for around I and half months, whom they feed, they cared, loved and taught to live. They accept their child with his/her weakness, talents and fears as well.

    However, the concept of the “the perfect baby” speaks contrary to it all. It certainly gives choice for the traits, intelligence, gender, eye color, personality of unborn child. As started by Mc Gee, an author of a book “The Perfect Book”, “We are going for a period of time where people had babies to where people make babies.” Even between couple husband may have different choice than his wife regarding their child. And if the husband choice is overcome by that of wife in some point of life other partner can accuse and regret for their choice. None of the parents would want their children be less in any field than the children of other. So, babies will be more competing stuff than their descendants. Other    possibilities can be that in the pace of making babies obviously for child with all possible qualities it may be more costly. So, poor may remain poor while rich may have dominion.

     Apart from its cons and drawbacks the genetic engineering of babies can be a great help for those couple who are sterile, or any one of the partner have no capability to produce, for those women who has capability to produce but can hold babies in the womb and give birth. For people like those going through pain of being sterile, genetic engineering of babies are supposed to be boon.

   Hence, though the creating “The perfect baby” seems a huge technological achievement, the future devastation that it can create to humanity can’t be ignored instead of its pros to some extent.