Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Robert frost, USA (1874-1963)
b. Apply the four level of meaning to “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening”
Literal comprehension: The speaker of the poem is returning home at dusk. He stops in the snowy jungle while riding on his horse. The owner of that beautiful jungle lives near the forest Nobody will see the speaker delighting with beautiful nature. The snow is felling in those beautiful woods. There is no one to break the silence except horse. The horse doesn’t find any reason his master stopping in those cold, but attractive woods. It gives bell making conscious to its master to accomplish his long dutiful journey. The speaker becomes agree with horse that he should move on to keep his commitment he has made. He has to do many more things before he sleep not to stay there any longer.
Interpretation: this is one of the famous poems of R. Frost about nature and human’s duty. It might be trying to tell us that beauty, momentary attraction, personal burdens, hamper to accomplish our duty but we shouldn’t stop there. Rather we should move on to fulfill our words. Man must ever be ready to complete this duties and responsibilities despite of any disturbances on the way. Here in the poem. The beauty of snowy woods is certainly lulling one but the house that is awareness in human being makes the speaker to move forward to fulfill his words (goals). We must do all our duties and responsibilities to humanity before we die. We should ever look to the target.
Critical Thinking: The poem is very beautiful. The beauty of anything can be felt more than it is told. The poem’s language is romantic means simple and ideas are smoothly developing. It is a suggestive poem that urges us to be dutiful in our two days life not being lost in temporary beauty and entertainment. The poem is rich in all poetic qualities-rhyme, rhythm, music, etc. this shows that the great ideas can be expressed by simple language and with simple style. The poem gives great honour to the poet with its quality.
Assimilation: I like this poem very much. It opened my eyes that I should not linger in temporary charms and attractions. As my parents have invested a lot of money and labour upon me, I should pay their debt doing something remarkable. For this aim I shouldn’t stop in any delight and charm. I realized that before I die I should do something good for society and the nation.
c. Summarize the Plot of “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” in a paragraph.

This world famous poem is composed by 20th Century American poet. Robert Frost. The speaker of the poem is returning home at dusk. He stops in the snowy jungle while riding on his horse. The owner of that beautiful jungle lives near the forest. Nobody will seethe speaker delighting with beauriful nature. The snow is falling in those beautiful woods. There is no to break the silence except horse. The horse doesn’t find any reason his master stopping in those cold, but attractive woods. It gives bell making conscious to its master to accomplish his long dutiful journey. The speaker becomes agree with horse that he should move on to keep his commitments he has made. He has to do many more things before he sleep, not to stay there any longer.