Subject: Science                                       Full Mark: 100

Class: VII             Time: 3 Hrs.               Pass Mark:   40


Group A 'Physics'

1. a) What is measurement? Convert 200km into centimeter. [1+2]

b) A ball kicked by a player comes to rest after sometime.  Why? Difference between speed and velocity. [1+2]

2. a) What is perfect machine? If a load of 600N is overcome by a simple machine using an effort of 400N. Calculate mechanical advantage. [1+2]

b) Prove P = . The density of water is 1000kg/m3, what does it mean? [2+1]

3. a) Define the term 'work' with its unit. A force of 20N acting on a body displaces it by 2m along its own direction. What is work done by force? [1+2]

b) What is temperature? Give its SI unit. Draw a labeled diagram of mercury thermometer. [1+2]

4. a) We can see our image in mirror but not in the book. Why? What is luminous object? Give two examples. [1+1]

b) What is sound? What are the sources of sound? Difference between mechanical and electromagnetic wave. [2+2]

5. a) What is a magnet? Electromagnets are extensively used in our daily life. Give any two applications of it. [1+2]

    b) A magnet must not be hammered or heated. Why? [1]

Group B 'Chemistry'

6. a) What is matter? Draw an atomic structure of sodium and molecular structure of sodium oxide. [1+1+1]

    b) Water is a compound. Why? Name the smallest particle of an element. [1+1]

7. a) What is solution? Sugar solution is a homogenous mixture. Why? [1+1]

    b) Explain the process to separate mixture of camphor and sand.


    If 5.1gm of sugar dissolves in 2.5 gm of water at 29  C to form a saturated solution. Find out solubility of sugar. Difference between mixture and compound. [4]

8. a) What are non-metals? Metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Give reason. [1+2]

    b) Define metalloid. Write any two uses of sulphur. [1+2]

9. a) What is fertilizer? Mention any two chemicals used in daily life. [1+1]

    b) What is detergent? Difference between phenol and dettol. [1+2]

10. a) Name one metal found in liquid state at NTP. [1]

      b) Difference between atom and molecule. [2]


Group C 'Biology'

11.  a) Define warm blooded animals. Frogs and snakes are not seen in winter season. Why? [1+1]

        b) Write any two characteristics of vertebrates. Difference between self pollination and cross pollination. [2+2]

12. a) What is cell? Draw a well labeled diagram of plant cell. [1+4]

        b) Mitochondria is known as the power house of the cell. Give scientific reason. Difference between binary fission and multiple fission. [2+2]

13. a) What is respiration? Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. [1+2]

        b) What is life process? Why is a cell important to living beings? [1+1]

14. a) Write function of cell wall. Non-flowering plants are known as seedless plant. Why? [1+1]

        b) Draw a well labeled diagram of life cycle of frog. [3]


Group D 'Astronomy and Geology'

15. a) What is rock? Which type of rock is very rich in fossils. Why? [1+2]

        b) Difference between sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. [2]

16. a) Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Why? What are importance of rock. Write any two. [2+2]

        b) Classify the following rocks: [1]

            Marble, pumice


Group E 'Environment'

17. a) What is development? Why is sustainable development required? Write any two reasons. [1+2]

        b) What is nature friendly development? Why is this development necessary? [1+2]

18. a) What steps are implemented in your locality for sustainable development? Write any two ways. [2]

b) Explain concept of sustainable development. [2]



                               *Best of Luck*