The Earth is one of the nine planets of the solar family. About the origin of the earth and solar family till now we are not getting any fixed theory because the most reasonable fact is still hidden. But the scientists have given different thoughts. They are Religious and Scientific concepts. Religious thoughts are not so much reasonable but the scientific concepts are in some cases reasonable.
Some of the thoughts are as follows:-
1.     The Gaseous Theory Of Kant
   The famous German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant who anonymously published his views in 1755 was the real profounder of the nebular hypothesis. Kant introduced the Newtonian law of gravitation in his theory. He believed that the hard particles of supernaturally created matter collided with one another by gravitational attraction, and generated heat and rotation in this process. In this way the original static and cold matter was converted into a nebula (cast hot gaseous mass) rotating with such great rapidity that strong centrifugal force was created about equatorial plane. This led to the throwing off of successive gings of matter. The rings condensed into planets. What remained of the original nebula became the sun. The planets underwent similar spinning and threw off rings, which became their satellites.

2.     The Tidal Theory 

          American scientist James Jeans introduced the Tidal Theory of the origin of the solar system first in 1919. In 11926 Jeffrey's reformed Jean's theory. Afterwards it is known as Tidal Theory of Jeans and Jeffrey's.

It states that a huge star while moving through space came near the sun and raised tides upon the sun just as the sun and the moon cause tides on the surface of the oceans. As the star drew near, a filament was thrown off from the sun, which ultimately formed the planets. The planets under the attraction of other planets as well as that of the sun produced satellites of their own. In this way the whole solar system came into existence.
3.     Otto Schmidt's Inter Stellar dust hypothesis.
          Otto Schmidt was Russian scientist. IN 1943 he introduced a theory about the origin of the solar system which is called Hypothesis of Otto-Schmidt. According to his concepts the gases and dust particles (meteoric matter) present in the universe originated planets. Many gases and dust particles were scattered in the universe. The dust particles were attracted were attracted by the gravitational force of the sun and rotated around the sun. After rotating many discs were organized. From these discs planets and satellites were formed.