Section Listening

Listening Test in the SLC Exam follows the following format:

Tips for Listening Test:
(i)           When you get the question paper write your name, symbol number, name of your school and name of your district.
(ii)         Go through the questions thoroughly and try to guess what the listening test is about. Keep the first question in your mind before the first play.
(iii)       Then the tape is played for the first time.
(iv)       Listen to the text carefully.
(v)         Try to find the answers to the questions. If the questions are multiple choice and true/false types, you can go solving them side-by-side.
(vi)       If the questions are filling in the blanks types and question answers, it is better not to solve the questions at the time you are listening to the tape, as you will miss the remaining text. So, listen to the whole text first. However, you can follow your own style.
(vii)     After the first play, you have five minutes to answer especially the first question. If you have any confusion about the first question, leave it until you listen for the second time and attempt the second question if you can.
(viii)   Listen to the tape for the second time and attempt the second question as well as the rest of the first question if any. You have five minutes for this activity.

Questions asked in the SLC Examination 2066

Set A
1.     Listen to the tape and write "True" for true and "False" for the false statements.  (You have 5 minutes to do it.)                                          5 x 1 = 5     
a.       Rick belongs to a village in Oregon.
b.      In the dairy farm, there were more than 200 cattle.
c.       Cows were taken to the pastures to graze.
d.      Rick likes to be a fashion designer.
e.       Working in the dairy farm is not a new life style for the speaker.

2.   Listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps with the correct answers.                                   (You have 5 minutes time to do it.)                                             5 x 1 = 5
a.      Rick has started a …………
b.     The boss of the farm was interesting and …………… everyone.
c.      Cowboys …………the cows in the mornings and evenings.
d.     Rick has employed …………..cowboys for his dairy farm.
e.      As they spent a long time together, the ………and people knew one another.
Listen to the tape again and review your answers.  (You have one minute to do so.)

Set B
1. Listen to the tape and write T for true and F for false statements. (You have 5 minutes to do it) :                                                                                   5 x 1 = 5
a.      Lhasa is about 3660 m. above the sea level.
b.     Lhasa is located in Southern Tibet in the Himalayas.
c.      Only carpets and textiles are manufactured in Lhasa.
d.     The Potala is a famous temple.
e.      Dalai Lama used to live in the Potala.
2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. (You have 5 minutes to do it) :                                                                                                        5 x 1 = 5
a.      What is Lhasa?
b.     Where is Lhasa situated?
c.      Since when Lhasa has gron rapidly?
d.     Who is Dalai Lama?
e.      What is the Potala?

Listen to the tape again and review your answers. (You have one minute to do it.)
Set C
1.  Listen to the tape and write T for true and F for false statements.    
          (You have 5 Minutes to do it.)                                                            5 x 1 = 5
a.      Temba Sheri was born on 6 May 1985.
b.     He is from Dolakha.
c.      He first reached on the top of Everest on 25 May, 2001.
d.     In 2000, he failed to reach the summit.
e.      In the World records, he is the youngest person to reach the top of Everest.
2.   Listen to the tape again and fill up the gaps with correct words.
       (You have 5 minutes to do it.)                                                               5 x 1 = 5
a.      He first reached on the top at the age of ……….
b.     He is the son of trekking…………..
c.      His name is mentioned in the Guinness Book of …………………..
d.     Temba's first attempt on Everest in……………… was a bitter disappointment.
e.      A major factor in their failure was shortage of supplementary …………….due to financial problems.
Listen to the tape again and review your answer. (You have one minute to do it.)

Set D
1.   Listen to the tape again and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.(You    have five minutes to do it):                                                             5 x 1 = 5
a.      The speakers have not met each other for a long time.
b.     Both of them work at Shakti Travels.
c.      Both of them love working on computers.
d.     They are going for swimming on Saturday.
e.      They will meet at 10.                                                                                          2.   Listen to the tape again and fill up the gaps with correct words. (You have five   minute to do it)                                                                                           5 x 1 = 5
a.      They have planned to go to the …………….
b.     They simply liked ………………
c.      The organization deals with the supply of ……………
d.     They want to meet on …………..
e.      It is good ……………… to go for swimming.
Listen to the tape again and review your answer.(You have one minutes to check your answer.)

Set E
1.      Listen to the tape and tick (Ö ) the correct answer: (You have 5 minutes to do this.)                                                                                               5 x 1 = 5
a.      It's a conversation between ………..
i. a brother and a sister            ii. a brother and a shopkeeper            
iii. a brother and a clerk
b.     At first, he is offered the ………………..coloured sweater.
i. blue              ii. black            iii. white
c.      He thinks he'll buy the sweater made in ………………..
i. Hongkong                ii. Singapore                iii. Nepal
d.     The pants he bought were made in ………………..
i. Kathmandu              ii. Singapore                iii. Hongkong
e.      The colour of pants he chose was ……………………
i. pink              ii. green                       iii. black
   2.   Listen to the tape again and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. (You   have five minutes to do it):                                                             5 x 1 = 5
a.      He is buying summer clothes.
b.     He has already determined to buy a pink sweater.
c.      He needed a pair of pants and a sweater.
d.     He pays altogether Rs. 1450.
e.      The pants are made in Kathmandu.
Listen to the tape again and review your answers. (You have one minute to check your answers.)
 Tape Scripts
Set A
Rick is about 5 foot 7 inches tall, is in good health and is a cheerful sort of guy, whom I came to know while trekking through his village in Oregaon in 1977. I enjoyed staying with him and working on his dairy farm where I experienced a new mode of living. Professionally speaking, for a living, I am a fashion designer, so it was a new life style and entirely a new set of circumstances for me. We worked together with over 200  cattle, and six cowboys. Rick, the master, was interesting and friendly to everyone. In the mornings and evenings, we had to milk cows, and in the afternoon, we led the cows to the pasture in order that they could graze. We had to go across many fields and meadows to get there. Due to spending so much time together, the cattle and people almost seemed to be accustomed to one-another!

Set B
Lhasa is the capital of the autonomous region of Tibet, south western China. It is located in southeastern Tibet in the Himalayas. The city, a tributary of the Brahmaputra River, is situated in a fertile plain almost 3660m above sea level. It is surrounded by lofty, barren mountains. Lhasa is linked by highway with major cities of neighboring provinces. Manufacturers include food products, textiles, electrical equipment and carpets. The city has grown rapidly since the 1960's, and the majority of the population is now Chinese. The city's most famous landmark is the Potala, an enormous palace built on a ridge overlooking the northern part of the city. It is the former residence of the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader.

Set C
Born on 6 May 1985, Temba Tsheri, a simple Sherpa lad from Dolakha, saw his dream come true at the tender age of 16. Born during the climbing season in Nepal, the son of a trekking guide, he was destined to distinguish himself in the field of mountaineering. On 23 May 2001, only 17 days after his 16th birthday, an ecstatic Temba stood on the summit of the world's highest mountain, Mt Everest (8848m). Thus he found a  place in mountaineering history and in the Guiness Book of World Records as the youngest person over to climb the famous peak.
Temba's first attempt on Everest in 2000 was a bitter disappointment, as his team decided to  turn back from just 22m below the summit. As Temba recalls, a major factor in their failure was shortage of supplementary oxygen due to financial problems. This forced them to spend two nights at 8000m without using oxygen bottles.

Set D
Gopal:       It's really been long since we last met. What are you dong these days?
Hari:          Well, I've joined an organization which deals with the supply of computers. What about you?
Gopal:       It's the same. I still work with Shakti Travels.
Hari:          By the way, how about meeting this Saturday? I really have a lot to tell you. I'm planning to go swimming. We can go to the pool and have a long chat.
Gopal:       It's a good idea. I simply love swimming. What time shall I come to your place?
Hari:          Not very early. I usually get up late on Saturdays. How about 11 in the morning?
Gopal:       That's fine with me. See you at 11 on Saturday then.

Set E
Sales Girl:              Can I help you Sir?
Customer:              Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of pants and woolen sweater.
Sales Girl:              Which colour would you like? Blue or black ones?
Customer:              I don't know really what colour suits me.
Sales Girl:              I think this black colour sweater suits you better.
Customer:              All right, I'll try on them once.
Sales Girl:              Here you are, Sir.
Customer:              Please, let me try the green sweater once.
 Sales Girl:             Okay, Sir. We have in  pink, too. It’s from Hong Kong.
Customer:              Umm……. I like this pink sweater and I'll take the black pants also. How much will I have to pay for these?
Sales Girl:              The sweater costs Rs 1450 and the pants cost Rs 700 only.
Customer:              I think the pants are made in Kathmandu.
Sales Girl:              No, sir. It's original. It's from Singapore.

Some more model questions
Set 1
1.     Listen to the tape and tick (√)  in the boxes before the best alternatives:                   (You have 5 minutes to do it.)                                                                  5 x 1 = 5     
i. The text is about  ……………………….
     a.          Muktinath                   b. the Kali Gandaki                 c. pilgrims
ii. The village is compared with  ……………………….
                                            i.      an orchard.               b. the moon                             c. a peaceful park
iii. In Muktinath,  ……………………………………. are grown.
a. paddy crops              b. vegetable crops                   c. no crops
iv. The orchards are full of  ………………………
a. apples            b.  apples and peaches             c. apples, plums and peaches 
v. The flame is burnt with …………………..
a. kerosene        b. cooking oil                          c. natural gas
2.   Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:                                     (You have 5 minutes to do it.)                                                     5 x 1 = 5
    i.   How many people go to visit Muktinath each year?
ii.   From where do pilgrims go to visit Muktinath?
iii.  How is Muktinath village?
iv.   How is the park?
v.   How long does the flame burn?      
Listen to the tape again and check your answers.  (You have one minute to do so.)

Set 2
1. Listen to the tape again and write T for true and F for false statements. (You have 5 minutes to do it) :                                                                         5 x 1 = 5
(a)     Suraj and Minu are husband and wife.
(a)          Minu enjoyed holiday more than Suraj did.
(b)         Suraj likes to be at school.
(c)          Minu is happy to get back to school.
(d)         Suraj spent his holidays in Kashmir.
2. Listen to the tape again and write in the table what these people say. (You have 5 minutes to do it) :                                                                                          5 x 1 = 5
He went to.......................................
He finds the holidays........................
He prefers........................................
She went to.....................................
She does not like..............................
Listen to the tape again and check your answers. (You have one minute to do it.)

Set 3
1.  Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps with suitable words:                   5 x 1 = 5
          (You have 5 Minutes to do it.)
a)   The trouble with education in Britain lies with the......
b)   There is too much ..................... teaching
c)   All teachers should be at least ..........before they start teaching.
d)   The man and the woman are talking about the problem of …….. in Britain.
e)   The woman says teachers are too serous, academic and not ………….
2.      Listen to the tape again and write 'T' for true statements and 'F' for false ones:
(You have 5 minutes to do it.)                                                                      5 x 1 = 5
a)   The woman says teachers get enough training.
b)   She says there's a lot of excitement in the classroom.
c)   The man says education in Britain is practical.
d)   Pupils are busy learning about life.             
e)   The woman says teachers should not be forced to live in the outside world.
Listen to the tape again and check your answer. (You have one minute to do it.)

Set 4
1.       Listen to the tape again and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.(You have five minutes to do it):                      5 x 1 = 5
a)   The second speaker really doesn’t like his trip.
b)   The first speaker has already visited riverboat tour.
c)   Both speakers decide to go to riverboat tour. 
d)   Both speakers are at New York. 
e)   They plan to make a reservation for the show.
2.      Fill up the blanks with suitable word/s from the conversation.(You have five  minutes to do it)                                                                            5 x 1 = 5
a)   Ted and Brinda are talking in the ………….
b)      They are making programme for ……….
c)   They decided to make a ……..for their programme.
d)     They wish to enjoy a ………….show there.
e)   Brenda has visited …………Jazz clubs.
Listen to the tape again and check your answer.(You have one minute to do it.)

Set 5
1.      Listen to the tape and tick (Ö ) the correct answer: (You have 5 minutes to do this.)                                                                                               5 x 1 = 5
(a)     The woman is talking from …………….
         (i)   a nursery                      (ii)  a hospital              (iii)  a school
(b)     They are going to meet at …………….
         (i)   quarter to five              (ii)  quarter past five   (iii)  quarter to four
(c)     Has the man been there before?
         (i)   Yes                              (ii) No                          (iii) He isn't sure
(d)    The nursing home is situated in...........................
         (i)   New Baneshwor         (ii) Old Baneshwor     (iii) Tripureshwor
(e)     The appointment is with Dr. ....................
         (i)   Rijal     (ii) Shrestha     (iii) Tuladhar
2.   Listen to the tape again and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. (You   have five minutes to do it):                                                             5 x 1 = 5
         (a)     Santosh called in the nursing home in the evening.
(b)     The receptionist is a woman.
(c)     The doctor does not see patients in the morning.
(d)    The nursing home is behind a hotel.
(e)     The appointment is made for the same day.
Listen to the tape again and check your answers. (You have one minute to do it.)

Tape Scripts
Set 1
Every year thousands of visitors come to Muktinath.  Pilgrims from Nepal and India and trekkers from all over the world climb up from the valley of the Kali Gandaki.  The country is like the moon because it is so dry.  Nothing grows.  There are only bare brown rocky hillsides, no trees, no grass, just rock.  And then there is Muktinath with its tree-line streets and apples, plum and peach orchards.  In a peaceful park, there are old twisted trees covered with prayer flags, and a temple surrounded by a hundred and eight waterspouts.  Many people come to see the flame, which never goes out.  This is natural gas from underground, which burns continuously.

Set 2
Suraj:               Hello, Minu! When did you arrive?
Minu:               I came this morning.
Suraj:               And I have only just come. Well, how did you enjoy the holidays?
Minu:               Oh! I had a splendid time. We went to Kashmir, and enjoyed it immensely-boating, fishing, swimmig and climbing. Where did you go?
Suraj:               You are lucky fellow, I have been in the village all the time, helping my father on the farm. Not much holiday, I can tell you! I am really glad to get back to school again.
Minu:               I'm not. I wish we could have holidays all the year round. I think school is an awful bore.

Set 3
Woman:   The trouble with education in Britain, I think, lies with the teachers. I don't think teachers get nearly enough training in actually how to teach rather than the subject. I think they're too serious, too academic, they're not imaginative enough. And it  means that there's not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject.
Man:            Yes, I agree. I think there's too much theoretical teaching given and not enough practical education, with the result that pupils are far too busy studying for exams to have time to learn about life itself and how to live in the world
 Woman:   Umm. I think all teachers should be at least 25 before they start teaching. I think  they should be forced to live in the outside world, rather than go from the  classroom to the university and back to the classroom again.
Set 4
Ted:           Are you enjoying your trip to New Orleans?
Brenda:     Oh yes, I really like it here.
Ted:           Would you like to do something tonight?
Brenda:     Sure I’d love to.
Ted:           Let’s see. Have you been to Jazz club yet?
Brenda:     Yes. I’ve already been to several clubs here.
Ted:           Ok. What about an evening riverboat tour?
Brenda:     Uh, actually I’ve gone twice this week.
Ted:           So, what do you want to do?
Brenda:     Well, I haven’t been to the theater in a long time.
Ted:           Oh, Ok. I hear there is a terrific show at the Saenger Theater.
Brenda:     Great! Let’s make a reservation, Ted.
Ted:           Sure Brenda! That’s fine.

Set 5
   Receptionist    : Good morning, Radha Nursing Home. Hold the line, please. (Music) How can I help you?
   Santosh        : I wonder if I could have an appointment with the doctor stomorrow.
         Receptionist       : Yes, certainly. With Doctor Shrestha?
         Santosh        : Yes, please.
         Receptionist       : When would you like the appointment?
      Santosh        : What about tomorrow morning? Would that be all right?
      Receptionist       : I'm afraid, not. Doctor Shrestha comes only in the evening after four.
      Santosh        : Four o' clock………… Okay, well, could we make it for quarter to five, please?
      Receptionist       : Sure. What's your name, please?
      Santosh        : My name is Santosh, S-A-N-T-O-S-H.
      Receptionist       : Right. We'll see you at quarter to five tomorrow.
      Santosh        : Um, I haven't been there before.
      Receptionist    : That’s no problem. You just come to New Baneshwor. Radha Nursing Home is behind the conference hall on your left.
      Santosh        : Thanks.
Receptionist       : You're welcome.

Section:  Reading

   Reading section in the SLC Exam follows the following format:
Some seen comprehension passages with answer key
1.         Read the poem "Patriotism" (given in unit 13 exercise 10 on page no 102) and answer the following questions:                                                                  5
A.     Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:                            0.5x4=2
(a)   ‘A patriot’ means a person who is ready to defend their country against enemy.
(b)    According to the poet there’s none to die twice.
(c)     The poet says that all the fortune of a selfish one is useless.
(d)    He says ‘anti-nationalists’ are honoured.
B.  Answer the following questions:                                                  1x3=3
(a) What is far better than heaven?
(b) Who dies twice?
(c ) Who are unsung by the countrymen?
Sample answers A.  (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F
Sample answers B.
(a)  Mother land/Native land is far better than heaven.
(b)  He/she who spends his life for oneself only dies twice.
(c)   Those who do not love their country are unsung by the countrymen.

   2.     Read the poem "Where the rainbow ends!" (given in unit 14 exercise 12  on page no 110) and  answer the following questions:                                              5
A. From the poem, find the words that are opposite in meaning to the following words:                                                                             0.5x4=2
(a) easy            (b) happy         (c) starts          (d) separately
B. From the above poem answer the following questions:                       1x3=3:
(a) Is the poet black?
(b) What does the word ‘brother’ refer to?
(c ) Why is it difficult to sing together ?
Sample answers A. (i) difficult  (ii)sad (iii) ends  (iv) together
Sample answers B.
(a)    The poet says he is not white, so perhaps he is black.
(b)    The word brother refers to the white men.
(c)     It is difficult to sing together because they don’t know the tune.

3.    Read the poem "Stopping by Woods on a snowy evening" (given in unit 19 exercise 11   on page no 153) and answer the following questions:  5
    A. Write T for true and F for false against the following sentences:        0.5x4=2
(a) The poet’s house is in a village.
(b) The poet stops in a farm house.
(c) The horse rings the bell to warn the poet.
(d) The poet has man promises to be fulfilled
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:                                            1x3=3:
(a) The poet stops to enjoy ……
(b) The event described in the poem happened at the time of ……….
(c ) The poet hears the sounds of ………..
Sample answers A.  (a) F (b) F (c) T (d) T
Sample answers B.
(a)        Woods/show-covered woods (b) evening (c) wind, snowfall, and horse’s bell

4.      Read the poem [given in Unit 1, Exercise 1 (Weather), on page no. 11], and answer the questions given below:                                                    5
       A.        From the poem, find the words that are similar in meaning to the following words:                                                                                    0.5x4=2
                  a) light rain        (b) thin, fine cotton  cloth         (c) shake gently                (d) trees
         B.           Answer the following questions:                                                          1x3=3                        a) What kind of weather does the cuckoo like?
                             b)    What do citizens dream?
                             c)     Where do the birds go during the cold season?
Sample Answer:
A.  Words with Similar meanings:
      a) shower               b) muslin dress                 c) betumble                            d) beeches
B.  Short question-answers:
      a)   The answer word:  spring                  
Now in a complete sentence:   The cuckoo likes the weather described in the first verse that is the spring season.
      b)   The answer word:  dream of south and west            
            Now in simple words:  Citizens dreams/ plans to travel to different places.
      c)   The answer word:  homewards go
Now in a complete sentence: During the cold season, the birds go to other places where there is no cold weather.

   1.   Read the following text (given in unit: 13 on page 95 of your textbook) and answer the questions given below.                                                        10
A. Write the words, from the above passage, which are opposite to the following words:                                                                                                 0.5x6=3
(a) confessed       (b) primitively         (c) expert        
d) departure         (e) harmony            (f) valid
B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:                                  0.5x4=2
     (a) She was well educated when she was born in Florence.
(b) Later, she was selected as one of the personnel of a hospital.
(c ) She was allowed to train as a nurse in 1851.
(d) During the Crimean War, Britain and France went against Turkey.
C. Answer the following questions:                                                        1x5=5
     (a) Where was Florence Nightingale born?
     (b) What was her family anxious about?
     (c ) What was her curiosity?
     (d) Why wasn’t she permitted to be a nurse before 1851?
     (e) Who did she volunteer her services to?
Sample answers:
A.                 (a) refused/opposed (b) eventually/finally (c) untrained (d) arrival (e) conflict (f) invalid
B.                  (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) F
C .  (a) Florence Nightingale was born in Italy.
(b) Her family was anxious for her marriage.
(c) She wanted to be a nurse.
(d) She was not permitted to be a nurse because nursing was not a prestigious job and on top of that the hospitals were dirty.
 (e) She volunteered her services to wounded and disable soldiers and also to those who were suffering from cholera and malaria.

  2.   Read the following text (given in unit: 16 on page 124 and answer the questions given below.                                                                                           10
  A. Write the words, from the above passage, which are similar in meaning to the following words                                                                                    0.5x4=2
(a) vividly            (b) weakness             (c) area            (d) essential
B. Answer the following questions:                                                            1x6=6
        (a) What does WHO stands for?
        (b) What do you mean by physical health?
(c ) Which of the aspect deal the ability to keep a relationship with other people?
        (d) Why are all the aspects of health important?
        (e) What do most of the people think about health and spirit?
(f) What is the concept of Hindus about health and spirit?
C. Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false ones.                              0.5x4=2           (a) Health only means the absence of disease.
(b) Different parts of body’s function is physical health.
(c ) Health does not consider the mind.
(  d)   We should be careful only in our physical condition.
Sample answers:
 A.       (a) apparently (b) infirmity (c) aspects (d) necessary/integral
 B.       (a) WHO stands for World Health Organization
 (b) Physical health means how well all the parts of the body function.
(c)  Social aspect deals with the ability to keep relationship with other people. 
(d)  All the aspects are necessary for the complete health of the individual.
            (e) Most of the people think that ‘the absence of disease of infirmity’ is health.
(f) According to Hindus the body and the spirit are an integral part of human   being. 
C.        (a) F    (b) T    (c) F    (d) F

  3.   Read the following text (given in unit: 17 on page 128 and answer the questions given below.                                                                                            10
A. Find the words from the passage that are similar in meaning to the following words:                                                                                                      0.5x6=3
(a) reason                    (b) pure                        (c) gestured                            
(d) watched                 (e) vanished                 (f) clearly
B. Rewrite the following sentences in the correct order:                          0.5x6=3
       (a) Mr. Chhetry stopped the writer.
       (b) The writer was highly impressed by the book.
(c ) The writer did not choose the book.
       (d) He read the book throughout the whole night.
       (e) Once Mr. Chhetry had no smaller notes.
(f) Mr. Chhetry watched him minutely.
C. Answer the following questions.                                                          1x4=4
       (a) How did Mr. Chhetry pay the writer?
(b) What do you think was Chhetry a liar or gentleman?
(c ) How do the writer go through the book?
(d)  Why did the writer not choose a book to read?
Sample answers:
 A.       (a) apparently (b) infirmity (c) aspects (d) necessary/integral
 B.       (a) Once Mr. Chhetry had no smaller notes.
            (b) Mr. Chhetry stopped the writer.
(c)  The writer did not choose the book. 
(d) Mr. Chhetry watched him minutely.
            (e)The writer was highly impressed by the book.
            (f) He read the book throughout the whole night.
C.        (a) He paid in cash but by giving him his books to read.  
(b) He is not a liar but a gentleman because the books given by Mr. Chhetry changed     
the writer’s mind on reading books            
(c )The write was highly impressed by the book given by Mr. Chhetry that he 
continued to read the book all through the night.
(d) He used ot read the books what he found. He had no special idea on  selecting books.

   4.   Read the following text (given in unit: 19 on page 146, and answer the questions given below.                                                                               10
   A. Find the words from the passage that are similar in meaning to the following words:                                                                                                0.5x4=2
(a) crying                     (b) scattered                (c) injuries                   (d) thanks
B. Rewrite the following sentences in the correct order:                          0.5x4=2           (a) Neha was grateful to Vikram.
       (b) Vikram managed to catch him.
(c ) Kanhaiya fell off the window.
       (d) He was rushed to a clinic.
C. Answer the following questions.                                                          2x3=6
       (a) How did Kanhaiya fall off the window?
(b) How was he saved?
  (c ) Why didn’t Neha notice Kanhaiya when she looked out through the window grille?
Sample answers:
 A.       (a) sobbing (b) dispersed (c) bruises (d) gratefulness
 B.       (a) Kanhaiya fell off the window.
(b) Vikram managed to catch him.
(c)  He was rushed to a clinic.
(d) Neha was grateful to vikram.         
C.        (a) Kanhaiya slid through the hole, hit the second floor window shade and landed heavily on Vikram’s chest.
            (b) Vikram caught him before he fell onto the ground.
            (c) Neha did not notice because he had been rushed to a nearby clinic.
            (d) The message could be: ‘Do not leave small children near windows.’

   5.   Read the following text (given in unit: 14 on page 104 and answer the questions given below.                                                                                10
A.     Choose the best alternatives:                                                              0.5x4=2
(    a)      The writer’s parents always encouraged him to be in …. While going to school.
(i) half-pant          (ii) trousers      (iii) suit
(b)      The writer was in dilemma because ………
(i)    He got his new school uniform.
(ii)  He was going to be excluded from photo session.
(iii)    He did not have a pair of trousers.
(c)      On the day of photo-session the writer went to school wearing…..
(i)    his father’s trousers
(ii)  his usual dress
(iii)    his friends’ long pant
(d)     The copy of the school photograph resulted the …. ending in his life.
(i) sad       (ii)       tragic               (iii) fruitful
B.      Find the words from the text that are opposite in meaning:               0.5x4=2
(a)   Included …….                             (b) carelessly ……..
(c ) hidden …….                                (d) dispersed……
C.      Answer the following questions:                                                        2x3=6
(i) Why did the writer’s parents force him to wear shorts?
(ii)      What different attempts did the writer make to get pair of trousers?
(iii)    How did the head teacher save the writer from class teacher’s anger?
Sample answers:        
 A.       (a) half pants (b) he did not have a pair of trousers (c) his usual dress (d) fruitful
 B.       (a) excluded  (b) duly   (c)  exposed   (d) gathered   
C.        (a) They saw nothing wrong in wearing shorts.
             (b) He tried to get from his friends, tried of his father’s, and asked parents to buy one. 
             (c) The head teacher saved him by giving permission to be in the photo session.

Some more seen comprehension passages for practice

2.      Read the poem [given in Unit 5, Exercise 12 (Where the Mind is Without Fear ), on page no. 42] and answer the questions given below:                     5
         A.     From the poem, find the words that are similar in meaning to the following                  words:                                                                                0.5x4=2                       a) pieces                      (b) fright          (c) dull      (d) paradise
         B.     Answer the following questions:                                                  1x3=3
                  a)   When is the knowledge free?
      b)   Why is the world broken up into fragments?
      c)   What does the poet wish for his country?

4.      Read the poem [given in Unit After You Finish, Exercise 16 (Exile) on page no. 16] and answer the questions given below:                                           5
         A.     Match the following:                                                                    0.5x4=2
                        Column 'A'                             Column 'B'
            a)  The speaker's coat               i)    clean and clear
            b) The nails                              ii)   the speaker's natural prey
            c) Zebra and gazelle                iii) with lines of different colours
            d) The weather in the pool      iv) not sharp and pointed
B.      Answer the following questions:                                                 1x 3=3
i)   Who is the speaker in the poem?
ii)  Why is the speaker not hungry?
                        iii) What is the speaker's plan about?

1.      Read the text [given in Unit 7, Exercise 1 (Breastfeeding), on page no. 53 and 54, from line no. 38 to 53] and answer the questions given below:        10
         A.     Match the words in column 'A' with their meanings given in column 'B':                                                                                                                       0.5x4=2
                        Column 'A'                            Column 'B'
                        a)   protect                               i)   open to the weather
                        b)   exposed                             ii)  connected with breathing
                        c)   infant                                 iii) keep safe
                        d)   respiratory                         iv) little child
         B.     Write 'True' or 'False' next to the following sentences:                0.5x4=2                       a)         Human milk preserves both mother and her baby.
                        b)   If a baby is exposed to an ill environment, mother's milk is not able to protect it.
                  c)   Breast milk contains antigen elements.                                  
                  d)   Bottle-fed babies have more chances of infection.
         C.     Answer the following questions:                                                  2x3=6                          a)         How does the mother supply immunoglobulin to her baby?
                  b)   What is the function of white cells in human milk?
                  c)   Name the diseases that can be controlled through breastfeeding?
2.      Read the text [given in ‘Before you begin….’Unit 9 at page no.8 and 9 , and answer the questions given below:                                                    10
         A.     From the text, find the words that are similar in meaning to the following
                  words:                                                                                           0.5x4=2
                  a)   different          b) plant            c) area 
                  d)  restrict              e)  remote        f) depend on
         B.     Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the text:           0.5x4=2                       a)         Nepal has been divided into three ……………..
                                         b)   In the coolest region in Nepal, crops like ……………………are grown. 
                                         c)   ………………………does not allow murdering of any animal.
                  d)   Most people in Nepal live in………………………………
         C.     Answer the following questions:                                                  1x5=5              a)         What are the three different geographical zones of Nepal?
                        b)   What crops are grown in the cooler hilly region?      
                  c)   Who do not eat beef?
                  d)   What is the main occupation of Nepalese people?
                  e)   What does migration affect?

3.      Read the text [given in Unit 13, Exercise 1 (Florence Nightingale), on page no. 95 (from line no. 1 to 23), and answer the questions given below:        10
         A.     From the text, find the words that are opposite in meaning to the following words:                                                                                    0.5x4=2
                  a)   died                 b)  accepted                 c)  valid           d) departure
         B.     Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order:               1x4=4
                  a)   Nightingale proposed her parents to send her nursing course. 
                  b)   Her parents wanted her to get married.
                  c)   She became the superintendent of a hospital in London.
                  d)   She involved herself to treat the wounded soldiers of the Crimean War.
C.     Answer the following questions:                                                  1x4=4                          a)         Why did Florence refuse to marry?
                  b)   What was the Crimean War?
                  c)   What were the causes of illness of the wounded soldiers?
                  d)   Name the newspaper that helped her to involve in treating the wounded                             soldiers.                 
4.      Read the passage [given in Unit 3 Exercise 1, on page no. 23(from no.1 to 18], and answer the questions given below:                                        10
         A.     Give similar meaning to the given words:                                    0.5x4=2                       a) spraying        (b) crying              (c) heavy shower         d) mishap
         B.     Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:                                    1x4=4                          a)         The vehicles had been driving slowly because of the …………..
                  b)   It caused many ………………
                  c)   By the time the writer started off, the rain …………….
                  d)   Things at a distance couldn't be clearly seen because of…………
         D.     Answer the following questions:                                                  1x4=4 
                  a)   When did the writer start for home?
                  b)   Why had the vehicles been driving slowly?
                  c)   What made the driver frequently stop on the road?
                  d)   How did  the accident occur?

5.      Read the passage [given in Unit 15, Exercise1, on page no. 112] and answer the questions given below:                                                                     10
         A.     From the passage, write the words which are similar in meaning to the following words:                                                                            0.5x4=2
                  a)   interfere           b)   consulted  c)  restricted    d)  break
         B.     Write 'True' or 'False' next to the following sentences:  :             1x4=4 
                    a)   Radios, cassette players can be played after 11:00 p.m. in Devkota Boys’   Hostel.
                    b)   There is a smoking zone in school area.
                  c)   As Koshi Transport rule, passengers should not stand in the passage.
                  d)   Visitors should not leave their children carelessly in National Zoo.
         C.     Answer the following questions:                                                  1x4=4 
                  a)   Between what times can residents play cassette players in Devkota Boys’ Hostel?
                  b)   Whom should the residents consult if any difficulty?
                  c)   Write two places where smoking is strictly prohibited?
                  d)   Are the visitors allowed to feed the animals in National Zoo?

6.      Read the passage [given in Revision Unit Exercise 6, on  page no. 122(from line no. 1 to 25,]  and answer the questions given below:                           10  
          A.    From the above passage, write the words which are similar in meaning to the following words:                                                                 0.5x4=2
                  a) irritating                 b)  obvious             c)   link            d)   pulling
         B.     Write 'True' or 'False' next to the following sentences:                1x4=4 
                  a)   Suresh's parents lived together with him.
                  b)   Suresh lived with his mother and younger brother.
                  c)   He made his mother angry.
         d)   His teacher and his mother could give him more attention as Suresh wanted.
         C.     Answer the following questions:                                                 1x4=4                          a)         What did Suresh do at school once?
                  b)   Why did he quarrel with his younger brother?
                  c)   What were the reasons for his bad behaviour?
                  d)   When was Suresh badly hurt at school?

7.      Read the passage [given in Unit 17 Exercise 1, on page no. 128,] and answer the questions given below:                                                                    10
         A.     Give meaning to the following definitions:                                  0.5x4=2
                  a)   the general direction in which somebody’s ideas or actions are moving
                     b)   a particular movement made usually with your hand or your head, especially to communicate
                  c)   a good reason that you give for doing something
                  d)   something that you enjoy doing when you are not working
         B.     Complete the following sentences by filling the gaps with the words from the text:                                                                                    0.5x4=2
                  a)   The writer did not know to select the books when he was ……………
                  b)   The event, once happened in his life, still makes his mind ……………
                  c)   …………. was the main trouble of Mr Chhetry.   
               d)  Whenever Mr Chhetry met the writer, he always had a …………......
         C.     Answer the following questions:                                                  2x3=6
                  a)   What is the writer's present job ?
                  b)   What is the alternative way for a down payment ?
                  c)   What happened to Mr Chhetry when he started reading the red book ?