Variation in Language
All the languages, including English, vary, and sociolinguistics is the scientific study of that variation. Linguistic variation can be found in people's pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The first of the two main types of linguistic variation is between-group variation. It is known as regional varieties i.e. dialect, and other group varieties. Regional dialects are probably the best-known type of between-group linguistic variation. A speaker is identified by his or her regional dialect. The English spoken by men is different from that spoken by women, with men tending to use non-standard forms more often than women.
Variation within the individual is second main type of linguistic variation. Linguistic variation within the individual is associated with changes in the situation in which individuals finds himself or herself. Linguistic variation within the individual is exemplified in the different ways an individual might address others.

Acoustic phonetics is the study of how speech creates waves of pressure that move through the air.
Phonetics is the study of the speech sounds used in human languages.
Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and that has weight.
Perception is the complex process by which we makes sense of incoming sensory information.