Style and ideology

Explain the terms style and ideology how do they affect the expression?

In very simple words, ideology is a belief system assumed by a group of people and the implementation of some system, rules and mechanism according to their is hidden force on speech and written texts as well. It is also internal programming in real life experiences but in the world of texts, it is normally unnoticed by all. In written or spoken texts, a remark made to someone, an evaluation or judgement made everywhere there is the implementation of an ideology.
In written text while using 'MS', while addressing the chief guest as 'the chair' in the meeting, saying 'terrorist' to 'freedom fighter' there are under functioning of ideology. The ideological charge is imposed in day-to-day experiences and dealings. Same concept can have two-perspective ­ (plus-minus/left –right).
If some government authority says 'our nation always defend its freedom', there are so many hidden aspect like of what? From what? For whom? To do what? etc. in this sense the ideological position  occurs when we became agreed or disagreed in accepting some concepts. We can illustrate it in the following example. Example. "It is every individual right to live freely." In the statement there is sense that a thief should get right for robbing and looting, a smuggler should do his work normally, a common citizen should live according to his/her choice, etc. there are different impression created by this statement in different people due to ideological perspectives. There are consciously or unconsciously, viewpoints of writer or speaker with their values, attitudes, prejudices to create a text. This means there is ideological patterning in every remark unseen or implicit. The thing, which is not, mentioned explicitly by speaker or writer but that aspect controls whole text is ideological programming. For example, in boxing commentary, there is only highlight about the winner, his/her punching, aggressiveness, attacks etc. the loser or would be loser is demoralized by name, fame, illustration, and money. There is a convention of presentation of boxing commentary in the uniformity pattern. In short we can say that ideology is built into all subjects, presentation, statement, remarks, human relations etc.

In what ways could the following remarks be understood as ideological?
   a.      A beautiful girl;    
   b.    A handsome woman;
   d.    A superb left hook;

a.     It is a remark made by male top female as a beautiful girl.
b.     This remark might have been made by one female to another woman or a man to a female who likes to see equality between genders.
c.      In this remark there is abolition of tradition of writing with capitalization at the beginning of any structures or sentences only.
d.     Here in this remarks the word left has double sense as pun.

What is the ideological differences between the two expressions in each set?
   a.     Beautiful girl/intelligent girl
   b.    Terrorist/ freedom fighter
a.     'Beautiful girl' denotes a sultry, sexy and negative serve whereas 'intelligent girl' shows educated, skilled and commanding girl.
b.    'Terrorist' is a derogative term used to refer to armed groups, which kill other and torture whereas 'freedom fighter' resembles to one who is fighting for public and freedom and it is a positive terminology.

Although the lady is featured as 'strict lady' she is formally dressed or headmistress. She is strict but becomes ready to play any submissive roles like matron, aunt, nanny, etc. she is strict outside as presented but she is loose, ready to correct all challenges she took and modify herself as traditional discipline. There is vast gap between the appearance of the lady in the text and in reality.