Our Schedules, Our Selves

In this essay, Walljasper discusses the increasingly fast-paced life of North Americans and the negative consequences of their "dizzying timetable of duties, commitments, demands and options". After arguing that the tranny of the schedules diminishes one's ability to enjoy lives small, unexpected pleasures, Wall-jasper offers several suggestions to help free people from their hectic lifestyles. He says that people, especially those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, need greater control over their work lives, including better pay, more vacation time, and share in company profits.

Americans people have a very busy timetable from morning to evening. They run to attend another programme, and finally go home to relax avoiding some less important work. But there might be some other things to do in evening. Every hour of the day and every day of the week is planned. People follow calendar and move on. They do not have time to be slow and enjoy. They will be surprised if they do everything as planned. All Americans have becomes slaves to timetables. All their time is planned. They do not have time to enjoy leisure. Because of globalized economy and peoples lack of power to express their opinions, not only low pay workers, but successful professionals also feel that they have been forced to overwork and need their union to go against the authorities.

Although technology has made the work easier, one can never be out of the reach of the office work. Because of cell phones, laptop computers, and email, one can never feel that he is free and on vacation or enjoying life privately. Because there are many choices in different cultural and social activities now, people keep, themselves busy attending them. 

All these things contribute something to our life. But we have only twenty- four hours in one day to do so many things. So we have to plan how to pass our vacation. Even our free times becomes as busy as our workday. By marking out timetable beforehand, we might be missing so many fantastic and natural moments of enjoyment.

In fact, we are bigger than our timetables. We should not try to make ourselves weaker by unlimited lists of our duty. We should take real steps to find sometimes for ourselves. As long as Americans work longer hours, they have to follow the timetables strictly. So workings hours should be cut back. Workers should be given sabbatical, more vacation and paid holidays. They should also be given more power in the workplace.

Moreover, your attitude to timetable also makes much more differences. If you stick to it, you will never be free. But if you go out of it, you will enjoy your freedom. Take some time for your life. And don’t do anything else at that time however important the thing may seem.            

Time is taken as an objective thing to be measured by making timetables. But it has its own patterns. Sometimes, it becomes larger and we remember all the details that have taken the place in it. Sometimes becomes shorter and we have a vague memory of the event.