Merits and Demerits of a Unitary State
1. Strong Government:
It is a source of strong, stable, all-powerful government.

2. Single administration:
It ensures single uniform administration for the whole of the state.

3. Simple and less expensive system:
The system deserves special praise for its simplicity and less expensiveness.

4. Flexibility in administration:
The administration of a unitary state is flexible and can easily adapt itself to the changing social needs and environment because the central government can amend the constitution as and when required.

5. Suitable for small states:
A unitary government, because of its simplicity, less expensiveness and strength, is ideally suitable for small states.

6. Responsibility for its work:
Since a single government runs the whole show, the responsibility of any lapse can be easily fixed. The central government cannot blame the local governments for its failures and acts of omissions.

7. Can be very useful is meeting emergencies:
Finally, it is very suitable for meeting emergencies because being an all-powerful government the central government can take all necessary decisions quickly and implement these with full force.