Introduction to Geography

Definition of the Geography

Geography is the scientific study of the Earth. Unani citizen, Eratosthenes named this subject as geography it is the studying of the earth. In Greek, Geography means "earth" (Geo) and "to picture or write" (graph). That is, it is writing or studying about the earth, including its people and planet.

Geography is the science of the earth and human ecology. It deals with the earth and its life. It also describes about land, sea, air, natural flora and fauna and human life and activities. Moreover, it studies about distributions and place variations in any physical and cultural elements. In sum, it studies about the earth as "the home of man". It tries to find out man's relation with his environment. It shows the geography conditions, in which a man lives and works. Above all, it analysis how man has adapted to his environment since the beginning of creation. Both man and the earth are dynamic. Thus geography is a dynamic and practical science. The changes occur due to mutual effect and reason. So the modern geography should study about the mutual relation between man and mature, and encourage man to use nature for human or global welfare.

Physical Geography
Human Geography
1.     Astronomical Geography
2.     Complex Physical geography
3.     Geomorphology
4.     Climatology
5.     Oceanography
6.     Hydrology
7.     Glaciology
8.     Plant Geography
9.     Animal Geography
10.            Medical geography
11.            Soil Geography

1.     Social Geography
i. Settlement Geography
ii. Urban Settlement
iii .Rural Settlement
iv.              Population Geography
v.                 Political Geography
vi.              Historical Geography
vii.            Military Geography
viii.         Regional Geography
2.Economic Geography
i. Agriculture Geography
ii. Industrial Geography
iii. Commercial Geography
iv. Transportation Geography
v. Communication Geography

Branches of the Geography

In the early days the subject 'Geography' was very vast. It was very vast because all the subjects related to the earth and human beings were studied under this subject. Later on some of the subjects were separated from it. For example, Geology, Economics, etc. Mainly the geography can be divided into two branches.
(i)                Physical Geography (related to the natural environment) and
(ii)             Human Geography (related to the cultural environment.)

1.     physical Geography

The aspects (importance) of the physical geography are as follows:
1.     It studies how the earth moves in the space.
2.     What causes the seasonal changes?
3.     How we can derive power or energy from the sun.
4.     It studies about climate, climate changes and their effects on man and other living beings.
5.     It studies about ground water and rock structure, changes and effects.

2.     Human geography.

The aspects (importance) of the human geography are as follows:
1.     It studies about the similarities and dissimilarities existing in a society.
2.     It also studies about the factors leading to social changes as well as human activities and achievements.
3.     It studies about human habitation (villages, towns and cities) and the nature of human settlement.
4.     It studies about the reasons behind human movement (emigration) and its effect on the culture and civilization of the places concerned.
5.     It helps travel to places, meets people and understands their culture and tells others about the same through maps.