Lakes are bodies of water, either fresh or saline, in natural depressions on the surface of the earth. These range in size from pond to the largest Lake Superior (fresh water) and the Caspian Sea (saline). The Caspian Sea lies in Asia. The deepest lake of the world is Baikal Lake of Siberia. The world's highest altitude situated lake is Tilicho of Nepal in Manang district. It is situated in about the altitude of 4,919m.
Kids of Lakes
There are different types of lakes. Some lakes are large and some are small. By the nature of water lakes are of two types.
                                                             i.      Fresh Water Lake
                                                           ii.      Saline Water Lake.
Fresh Water Lake.
If water of any lake is drinkable such type of lake Fresh Water Lake. If any river starts from the lake or the lake has outlet such lake fresh water. Phewa Lake of Nepal is the example of fresh water lake. Superior Lake of America is the largest lake of fresh water.
Saline Water Lake
If water of any lake is salty such type of lake is Saline Water Lake. Caspian sea Dead sea are the examples of Saline Water Lake. Dead Sea is the largest lake of Saline Water Lake.
Formation of Lakes
The lakes are divided into the following types on the basis of their formation:
1.     Earthquake Lake
2.                 Rift Valley lake
3.                 Glacial Lake
4.                 Moraine Lake
5.                 Crater Lake
6.                 Volcanic Lake
7.                 Lagoon Lake
8.                 Ox-bow Lake
9.                 Triangular Lake
10.            Solution Lake
1. Earthquake Lake:
The lakes, which are formed by the earthquake, are called Earthquake Lakes. Phewa, Rupa and Begnas lakes of Pokhara are the examples of these types of lakes.
2. Rift valley Lakes:
If any surface of the earth sink down because of earthquake and the pit is filled up with water such water body is called Rift Valley Lake. Nyasa Lake of Africa is an example of this type of lake.
3. Glacial Lake
Lakes that are formed by glacial erosion by scooping of bedrock are called Glacial Lakes. Northern Canadian lakes are of this type.
4. Moraine Lake
If any lake is formed by blocking of any river by moraine of glacier is called Moraine Lake. Such types of lakes are mostly found in Finland.
5. Crater Lake:
At the crater of the extinct volcano water will be filled up. By this process there will be a lake. Such type of lake is called Crater Lake. Van of Persia and Averns of Italy are the examples of Crater Lakes.
6. Volcanic Lake:
Because of volcanic eruption somewhere lava blocks the river water body will be made up. Such water body is called Volcanic Lake. Ethiopian lakes are the examples of this type.
7. Lagoon Lake:
Lagoon Lake is formed by piling up sand, or other materials at narrow place of any bay. Chilka lake of India is one of the examples of this type.
8. Ox-bow Lake:
Meandering rivers may form lakes. These are called Ox-bow Lakes. They are also called Horse-bow or Cut-off Lakes. Such types of lakes are also found in the Terai belt of Nepal.
9. Triangular Lake:
While two glaciers combine at a certain place, water will be blocked. The shape of the water body is triangular. This type of lake called Triangular Lake.
10. Solution Lake:
The surface made up of limestone may melt. After melting long time there will be hollow. The surface sinks down and there will he pits. While the pit is filled up with water, the water body is called Solution Lake. Some lakes of Ireland were formed by this process.
Diminishing of the Lakes:
1.     Earthquake may raise the pit of the lake or break the edge of the lake.
2.     The lakes depending summer rain may dry because of sun heat.
3.     If a river starts from any lake the river may cut the edge of the lake very deeply.
4.     River may deposit the soil material in the lake.
5.     Plants surrounding the lakes may diminish the lake.
6.     Especially in the mountain land slide may diminish the lake.
Importance of Lakes:
1.     Large lakes balance the climate of the surroundings.
2.     It can help in the water transportation.
3.     The transportation can help in the trade.
4.     It helps to stop soil erosion.
5.     Electricity can be generated from the lakes.
6.     Irrigate the lands from the lakes by supplying water through canal.
7.     From the Fresh Water Lakes drinking water be full filled.
8.     We can get salt from the saline water lakes.
9.     It can be a kind of tourist area.
10.                        In the lakes we can have fish keeping.